Monday, April 18, 2011

Bump's Weekly Review (4/11-4/17)

Too much food, Too little time!

Unfortunately, I did not get to make all the recipe's I had planned for on this weeks menu because we were a lot busier than I thought we would be!  I am going to make two of the planned dinners from last week, this week.  I think I'm going to skip posting the menu's/grocery list until I have a week's worth of recipe's that I really really like.  I'm just going to blog about the recipe's and my opinions for now!  This is a learning process in more ways than just cooking (yes, official first time blogger here)!

I'm looking forward to this week because it's EASTER!  That means...Yeast Cinnamon Rolls and Carrot Cake! I'm also going to try and re-create In-N-Out hamburgers this week since we are moving to NM and I don't think they have them there!  

So why were we so busy this week?  Well, Stephen (my very attractive and lovable hubby) had a big rocket launch....who does that? lol He does!  I also set up a tailgate for the spouses to watch the launch.  Here is a video of the launch for your enjoyment! (It gets really good around 50 seconds)


  1. That video was incredible Caitie!

  2. Caitie,

    I am so proud of your husband--actually I'm proud that he is my son!!!! Love to you three!
